Monday, March 10, 2008

oddly enough

Told my boss at work today about the larvae. Instead of being stressed about my leaving, she gave me a big hug and kept telling me how happy she is for me and the hubs. She's also a mom and just a kick-ass boss, so I don't know why I was expecting a negative reaction. I guess it's just that I'm such a career driven gal that I was worried that I had somehow upset my goals or would let everyone down by being away for a few months. I know that's CRAZY, but that's me for ya. Anyways, it went swimmingly well and I feel like I've had a huge load taken off my shoulders.

On another note, one of the gals I work with and I had a funny conversation today.
(totally paraphrased, as I have no memory)

Me: So, just wanted to tell you... I just talked to (insert Boss name) and told her some news and I wanted to tell you to. I'm seven weeks pregnant.

Co-worker: (turns to look at me, surprised look on her face) Me too.

Me: Oh, you're pregnant? How far along?

Co-worker: Seven weeks!

CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? How cool is that? I have a comrade who is not only a young chick like me, but is also due the same darned time as I am?!?!! It's so cool, it's beyond me. It's just the awesome kind of thing that life does whenever I start bitching about "poor me." I was so bummed about not knowing anyone of my friends in the vicinity being preggers (I have a friend up in VT who is much further along than I, who has been awesome with helping me get used to this whole deal... but she's not right around here, so I can't like.. hang out and get preggers clothes and baby stuff with her), then life was like... BAM. Someone else not only preggers and young like you, but the same DUE DATE and you work together! Crazy.

And that, my friends, is the latest in how freakin' cool and bizarre life is.

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