Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bouncing back aka Haramaki Love

Last night and this morning have been a 180 from the past few days. The first big thing that happened was that I GOT SLEEP. Thank god. I left work at 2:30 yesterday, went home, had some snacks, started up a batch of baked apples in the crock pot, watched Millionaire Matchmaker (one of my new fav guilty pleasure shows) and then it was NAP CITY. It wasn't until I tucked myself into bed that I realized how tired I was. I zonked out! Thanks to Timmerz for waking me up in time for rehearsal.

Let me say that there are few things in this world better than waking up to the smell of baked apples. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I gorged myself on appley goodness, then headed off to dance practice. Dance went wonderfully last night, with Nora giving me a big old hug when I saw her to help balance out my rough day. I led them through the drills I have my students do to get us warmed up, then we worked extensively on sword work. The neat thing about us and swords is that all three of us have different classes/experience with sword work, so we have this nice amalgam to choose from. Also, we're approaching swords like we do fire fans- critically thinking of how we can do our ATS/ITS moves with swords. I think it's shaping up really nicely and keeps our improv style so we don't look forced or staged. Yay for progress!

On another sunny note, I am in LOVE with haramaki (japanese belly warmers). I have currently found a fabulous pattern to make some for myself... and it's ON! I love the fact that I can use them for hiding my ill-fitting pants (which are already getting a bit snug on me) AND they look like you're wearing a cute tank top under your clothes... AND they keep your belly all warm. Triple score! Plus, they're so easy to make that I can just have like oodles and oodles of em.

:) Now I have to find some crazy fabric.

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