Ok, well because we have accepted that fact, I can now come out and tell you one weird thing about me being knocked up...
Any mention of multiple babies at once scares me. The idea of twins, triplets, or DEAR GOD anything above one kid just freaks me out. Just the idea of getting one of these suckers out of me in one sitting is freaky enough. But the thought of becoming some giant pinata full of babies, waiting to burst? NO WAY, JOSE!

I have such an aversion that I have issues just hearing about other people having them. And I know I know... I should be joyful for their luck and happy for their new, supersized family. Instead, it strikes fear in my heart for which the Psycho theme seems the only appropriate soundtrack. Like this story. OMG FOR REALZ? Really? I mean.. wow! Good for her... a 1 in 100 million chance, or something. That's neat. Oh please dear God, don't let that happen to me! Please let it just be one.
I think this crazy fear is all because I haven't gone to the doc yet and haven't had it confirmed that there is only ONE larvae in there. Once I find out that I'm a single carrier, I'm sure I'll go back to the warm fuzzies feeling when I hear about multiple births...
but right now. It's still a bit creepy.
I'm all fine with the natural multiples. It's when people start up with the extended rounds of fertility treatments and then they end up with 4, 5, 6, whatever amount of kids. It's not natural people! And sometimes these kids have serious health problems and medical bills in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. I also don't understand the logic that makes people say that a high number multiple birth is a miracle from God when it happened due to serious medical intervention. We are not made to have litters!
Whew, rant over.
You're only allowed to have one kid at a time because I can only knit so fast. OK, I guess if ding0 and I joined knitting forces we could knit for two, but that's it!
For what it's worth, if you are a human pinata, then you can go on Oprah or The Today Show and you'll get tons of free diapers and maybe even a mini-van!
Twins run in both my and Vic's families and I was terrified that Sarai would be a twin. Thank God for one baby at a time. And yeah, our bodies were not meant to carry litters, which is why there are so many health problems when women are pregnant with a bajillion babies at once.
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