Wednesday, October 15, 2008

winding down

I'm starting to detach from a lot of things in life, with the impending daughter just a little over a week away (or so, who knows when babies decide to come out.) My mom told me it's major nesting and proof that the daughterling will be here soon. I've always been hokey for folk wisdom, so I'm hoping she's right.

It's already been weeks since I've danced and taken a yoga class, both of which I think were good ideas for me. The physical limitations I'm experiencing at this point are astounding. They're not terrible, but I certainly won't be too sad when this is over. I am having daydreams about the simple things like shirts that fit over my belly, being able to fit into restaurant booths, having a glass of wine, being able to carry the daughter however I choose (not just attached on my front), buying and wearing a pair of cute shoes... let's just say the cuteness has worn off.

On a different note, I'm finding a lot of anxiety mixing in about actually having her here. I'm worried about her getting here safely, I'm worried about sucking at taking care of her, I'm worried about my healing process, I'm worried about childcare. Should I worry about these things? Not really! I've taken classes at parenting and whatnot, so I have at least a small amount of knowledge there, she's past full term, so she should be fine to get outta dodge, I have a childcare provider picked out... so there's really not much to freak out about. But I AM freaked out. Sigh.

Because of this, I'm trying to force myself to do things, to get out and not sit at home and keep stewing in all this restlessness and anxiety. Tonight is Dream Dinners night, so that will be a fun time with hubby to get prepared for the daughter. And we're trying to plan some stuff for this weekend, so it should be full of distraction.

I'm having my appointment and getting "checked" this morning (the doc will see what how effaced I am and if my cervix is dilated, which can foreshadow how far away I am from labor.) I'm crossing my fingers that they tell me I'm either on-time or possibly sooner.

but yeah... you can come any time you want, girl.


April said...

My older sister came out a little early, I was way late, and my brother was perfectly on time. I've heard the first is often on the early side, but if she decides to "sleep in" a bit, then it just will make her smarter, though more addicted to comic books.

the ineffable b said...

Yeah, I hope she doesn't sleep in too long. I'd love for her to be here around her due date, but we'll see!

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a wonderful Dream Dinners experience. It is the ultimate buy in bulk and save way to have a home cooked dinner and does cost less than buying the same ingredients at a grocery store. It is also very eco friendly, so much less packaging when you buy in bulk. We actually have children on our tasting panels; it is amazing to see what kids will really eat. We put kids in a box when we only feed them "white foods". Don’t miss our new Dream Rewards program, where you will receive gifts and other specials. You can get even more ideas on my blog Take care.