Wednesday, October 22, 2008

BIG buddha baby, please come out

Dear Daughterling-

I just came back from the doctor and he says you're currently around 9lbs.

OK, let's be honest here. I know this is because while other gals were getting sick all the time and barely eating a thing, you and I seemed to be able to load up on all the food we could find. While those wussy babies were barely gaining any bulk and keeping their trim physique, you and I were delighting in fatty foods, cheeseburgers, fruit galore, ice cream and protein smoothies. Because we're not chumps and we're not quitters. You and I know a thing or two about being strong, awesome gals.

But maybe we overdid it?

I mean 9lbs. WHOA.

Please come out soon,

Your Mom


So, the baby update is as follows:

I will be getting a call in the next two days from my doc's office to schedule an induction. Because she is so huge, they will not allow me to go past 41 weeks. Honestly, I'm fine with that. I don't want to go on much longer, myself. It's getting to be really hard and painful to get around, so I'm fine with getting her out. SURE I didn't want to be induced, but I trust my doctors when they tell me she's huge. She FEELS so weighty. And the doc was adamant about how inducing me was better than letting me go to 42 weeks and needing a C-section. That I agree with as well.

So, within the next week, I will definitely have my baby. I'll let you all know when I find out the induction day! I'm still hoping she comes naturally, but we'll see!

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