Wednesday, October 15, 2008

only 1 cm...

Just got back and I'm only at 1cm dilated. The doc says that means he'd put me at "July if this were baseball season." That means that I'm starting to travel towards labor/birth, but it's not like it's about to happen in a few days or so.

He then brought up the dreaded words I didn't want to hear...

At your next appointment, we'll discuss what you want to do if you go past your due date.

Oh man.. oh man... I don't want to go past too much. First of all, I don't want to lose money by leaving work on the 24th, only to have her come a few weeks late. I don't even have enough leave to cover fully the 28 day period between when I leave work and when the maternity disability kicks in, let alone the daughterling possibly coming a few weeks late. It's just so frustrating.

I mean, I understand that babies are gonna come when they're gonna come. But it's getting really hard to be preggo anymore and having the doc bring up me going past due just made me want to cry.

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