Yesterday evening, I started having pain while nursing on the right side. Over the course of the evening, it has turned into what can only be described as excruciating pain emanating from the right nipple every time Story feeds. It's so horrible that I've had to switch her to the left side and have resorted to using my pump to drain the right side and give it to her via bottle so I don't damage my supply. I hoped it was just a sore area or minor clogged duct, but it won't go away. Even pumping is SO painful, but it's way better than nursing.
I'm pretty sure that Story and I have thrush and will have to high tail it to her pediatrician for a check-up on Monday. This also means that I'll have to more than likely dump any milk I'm getting off my right (the most highly productive) side. I just can't deal with this, it's SO much pain. And combined with the fact that I'm still sick and sleep deprived, I'm just feeling so overwhelmed and upset.
Sometimes, I just want to give up on breastfeeding. I love the closeness and the benefits for Story, but it's been so problematic for me. And this pain is SO INTENSE and so horrible, I just don't know how long I can hold up.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
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1 comment:
The suggestion of bathing your breasts in fresh air and sunshine is so . . . lyrical. Hope you two are feeling better!
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