Wednesday, December 31, 2008

i resolve

My full list of resolutions can be found on my "other blog" by visiting the link in the left navigation portion of this page... but as far as my Mommy Resolutions,

I resolve:

1) To not give up on Story, Tim or myself, no matter what obstacles I face. Walking away to catch a breath is one thing, but I'll always jump back in the fray.

2) To try to enjoy every little minute with Story that I can. She's already growing up so quickly and I want to live in the moment.

3) To be easier on myself. I don't have to be perfect all of the time. I'm not a terrible mother if I fail.

4) To be as healthy and happy as I can be.

5) To breastfeed Story for a full year, at least. Even if I have to supplement with formula at times, keep on breastfeeding her as much as I can.

I can honestly say that a year ago I had no clue I would have a child by this point in my life. We decided to start "trying" last January and, somehow, in my funny brain I thought it would be years before I would be a mom. But honestly, Story knew when we needed her. To bend a silly quote from the Lord of the Rings,

"A Story is never late, nor is she early. She arrives precisely when she means to."

Well, I'm glad you arrived in '08. Here's to the fun '09 will bring, including: sitting up on your own, eating solid foods, crawling, holding your own bottle, babbling and starting to stand and walk!

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