Tuesday, December 9, 2008

mom = mark?

Since becoming a mom, I've discovered a lot of great inventions that have made my life easier. I've also discovered a ton of "must have" items that are total scams. I get so annoyed at what are, to me, over-priced items created to make money off of flustered, nervous new moms.

Case-in-point, nursing covers. I'm in the market for one because I find there are times I want to breastfeed Story in public and block out stimuli so she can chill out. I just checked out a brand name one and they want $45 for what amounts to no more than a cheapo rectangle of fabric with a couple of ties for your neck to keep it on. Literally, like five bucks or so worth of fabric and minimal sewing skills.

Yeah, I get that you pay for convenience, but come on! That kind of mark-up is crazy. And I see it all the time: baby wraps, nursing clothes/bras, diaper bags... And there's this odd undertone that if you don't buy these things, you're a bad mom. RIIIIIIIIGHT.

Well, all I can say is thanks for etsy.com. I've found all these items on there for half the price or less. And just as good if not better quality.

But seriously...I'm a mom, not a mark!

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