Sunday, January 25, 2009

one week back

I've been back at work for approximately one week now and things are going pretty well. I'm finding that life is pretty darned hectic and I do miss being with Story all day long, but thems are the breaks. Having to work, due to all sorts of big, adult responsibilities I have make me have no choice but to suck-it-up and go back, even though there are times I really wish we had the money for me to be a stay at home. But whatever, there are perks, too. For starters, I appreciate Story SO MUCH more now that I don't see her all day. I pick her up from daycare and just think of how much I love her and want to spend every minute with her.

Speaking of daycare, Story loves it there. LOVES it. Like, for instance, the other day she cried when I took her out of Miss Brenda's arms so she could go home. And to see the way she follows the other kids with her eyes. She's in heaven :) Though I know she misses me, too, because she SMILES and SMILES when I come to pick her up.

I have a feeling that my weeks will just fly by me from here on out. I'm already feeling wistful at the fact that it feels like I blinked and she's three months old. It's a bit startling to know that in another blink she'll be on solid foods. My my, so crazy!

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