Thursday, November 20, 2008

growing and growing

Story had her one month appointment at the pediatrician's today and it went wonderfully. She has yet again grown WAY more than either Tim or I could have guessed. Within the past week, she has put on a whopping 10 ounces and has grown two inches (though I think, in all honesty, that those two inches occurred over time.) But seriously, it's amazing that she went from barely gaining weight to packing on the ounces. Good job, daughter!

She's also started making little cooing and "uhn" noises, which is just the sweetest and cutest thing to behold. It's just so damned cool how she seems to do something new and different every day. I have to admit that I'm a bit sad to think that I'm going to miss so much when I go back to work. Tim is already sad in advance when he thinks of what he'll miss when he goes back to work in a week. I wish we had tons of money so we could both stay home and just bask in her awesomeness... oh well.

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