I will humbly admit that we used regular old, environment-harming diapers for the first month of Story's existence. I had bought a bunch of cloth diapering supplies and was sure I'd be good to go by the time she got here, but then she was so small at birth that none of them would fit. That, combined with all the stress and lack of sleep from the first few weeks of us adjusting to her in our lives meant we figured it was worth it to use disposable diapers for the first few weeks or so.
I also must admit that a little bit of why we didn't start it up was because we were scared. No matter how many tutorials I'd read online or people I'd talked to about their experiences, I was really anxious about actually using cloth diapers. I kept imagining all these leaks and gross, soppy prefolds. So, there you have it... I can dance with giant, flaming fans without a second thought, but cloth diapers freaked me the heck out.
One good facet of my personality is that I definitely know myself well enough to know how to get around my own bullshit. So, I woke up one morning and decided it was time to jump in. I got up, changed her out of her disposable diaper and put on a cloth diaper and cover. I resolved myself and put the hubby on notice that we would be cloth diapering from now on, with the occasional disposable if need be. And we haven't looked back since.
And yes, as you can tell by the post title, it's WAY easier than I thought. I totally don't know why I was so scared in the first place, to be honest. The hardest part about prefolds is getting down how to fold them, of which there are several methods. Once I got down the fold I preferred, it got easier and easier each time to change Story in no time flat. The only other challenge was figuring out which covers fit and worked best, but in the end I found that most covers are fabulous at containment. They're also darned cute.
So far, I'm a huge fan of indian prefolds with Bummis SuperBrite covers or Mimas PUL covers (an awesome chick who sells her stuff on Etsy.) We've also used a BumGenius diaper, which was great, too, but I like the fact that I can reuse covers with multiple prefolds, whereas the BumGenius is a single use n wash diaper.
Man, look at me, I sound smart :)
But seriously, I feel like I'm becoming a diaper genius. And really, it's not any big deal, because it's much easier than it seems.
OH and Amy La, I finally got to use the wool soaker you knitted for her! I put it on her today so she could have some extra protection without wearing a full crawler onesie and it was SO CUTE. I'll have to take a picture :)
Oh, Yay! I can't wait to see pics.
I think it's a good idea to wait on doing cloth in the beginning. We didn't buy any newborn cloth diapers and planned on doing disposables for the first 2 weeks until I got on my feet. I'm glad b/c I can't imagine hauling dirty diaper laundry up and down the stairs with fresh stitches still in my bum! Not fun. Plus, it was enough just to get the feedings under control in the beginning. I think by week 3 we were in cloth completely, although we have always done a disposable diaper at night and for traveling. I too, have been amazed at the ease of cloth. I guess people don't want to do it b/c they imagine it will be messy or smelly or expensive. Or complicated. There is a lot of vocabulary to learn in the beginning....but hey, after a while you start to sound smart, just like you said in the post!
I could have written this post (except for the flaming fans part lol).
CDing is much easier than I thought it would be and I love it!
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