Lord, there is SO MUCH to learn as far as cloth diapering goes. I can understand now why so many people go the way of disposables, because it's way easier to just buy and toss than to learn the intricacies of absorbency rates, diaper covers, cover types, pocket diapers, all-in-ones (AIOs) and pre-washing.
But we have a saying in Brooke and Tim land:
It's not about what's easy, it's about what's right.
And what's right is not creating piles and piles of plastic diapers in landfills that will take 300 years to biodegrade. What's right is not bringing someone into this world to a large burden of ecological waste. Sure, we do enough damage in our day-to-day lives and I know that I've made my negative impacts on the world. I'm sure I'll continue to do so in the future. But my desire is LESS of a negative impact. The more I reuse/cut out of my life, the better and better I leave the planet.
(stands down from soapbox)
In light of this, I have just completed my second buy of cloth diapering stuff. I have spent a modest amount on a pail, pail liner, two wet bags, 24 prefolded diapers in infant size (though I have to admit, they look a bit big) and some diaper covers of various sorts. I'm planning on trying out prefolds/covers for the first three months or so, then maybe switching to pocket/AIOs from there on out. I'm trying out some BumGenius (har har) one size diapers and, if those work well, I'll continue to use them throughout little daughterling's diapering experience.
I have to admit that it's scary, looking at the amount you spend on start-up for this. BUT I calculated what I would of spent on throwaways, and I'm still saving in the long run. Not staggering amounts, but it's nice to save money AND be nice to the environment, so there you go.
And I told Tim that if we have more than one of the little buggers, then it will be more than worth the moolah to reuse this stuff.
EEP parish the thought! Could I go through this all again?
Maybe. I've always wanted two kids max, though. Stay tuned.
Love your blog- I saw your sig pic of the belly dancing on the nest and I had to tell you I love it! You look beautiful.
aww thanks so much! glad you like the blog, even if I do feel like it's mostly me whining :) hehe
Hey sweetie, do you need soakers for the cloth diapering? Let me know - I've not knit them before, but it should be interesting.
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