Monday, February 2, 2009

uh oh...

Story has been more and more in control of her arms, hands, legs and feet as of late. This is causing her to be extremely tactile. She likes to touch my arm or hold my hand whenever possible, feel the texture of her blankets and grasp at our clothes. It's so amazing.

But it can also be trouble. Tim warned me this morning that he thinks she's discovered her privates. This was just confirmed when I went to change her. I opened up her dirty diaper and BOOM her hand went straight for her crotch. I was shocked by her speed and accuracy. GREAAAT one more thing to watch out for when changing her.


Amy Chess said...

heheh...the best is when they reach for the crotch during a diaper change and then put the hand directly in the mouth. Yum!

the ineffable b said...


That is TOTALLY what happened, but I didn't want to gross people out by posting it...hahaa

Oh well, I don't care who knows..