Monday, February 23, 2009


Today, I am taking the day off since it is Story's official four month baby appointment. She got weighted, measured and vaccinated today. Our little gal is in the 50th percentile for weight, 25th percentile for head size (sorry Josh, we can no longer pretend you're her real daddy... she would of had to be in the 98th percentile for that!) and 95th percentile for height. Yes, you heard me. My daughter is a GIANT. The best part is that we could her our pediatrician talking to her assistant, not really believing Story was so tall. But then she saw her and was convinced.

Besides being an AMAZING trooper for her vaccines, Story also got the green light for starting cereal! Our miss S will now be getting baby cereal in the morning and before bed. Once she's mastered eating cereal, we can move her on to stage 1 solid foods.

But first things first, I've prepared to do battle against barley cereal. Since coming home at 9 a.m., I have assembled the high chair my awesome coworkers got me and have mixed up some cereal. In a few minutes, miss S will be seated, strapped in and tasting cereal for the first time! I've got the camera poised and ready, so expect a picture and video update later on.


Other milestones include getting the greenlight to baby proof our living room and having Story spend most of her time on the floor. The pediatrician said we should try encouraging her to sit up and play, do even more tummy time and start learning to crawl. She was also really impressed with how Story loves to stand. However, the only scary thing is tackling our MESSY living room. That's today's chore for me, I guess.

OK, off to go feed that girl!

1 comment:

katie! rouse! said...

OMG GIANT BABY! Yay tall ladies!!!