Thursday, May 15, 2008

Tests Part One: AFP

So, just got my test results back from my AFP (AlphaFetoProtein) test and though things didn't come back horribly they didn't come back perfect. Though I tested fine for spinabifida and anencephaly, my test results came back a bit low for downs syndrome (1:258, which is close to the 1:250 cut off of suggest follow-up amniocentesis). Now I know I shouldn't get all worried because I've already read up on how these AFP tests aren't the most conclusive tests ever and all, but I'm still a wreck. I just wish I had answers and had 'em now! Though I can say to myself that I'm the type who will love this child no matter what, that doesn't stop me from being a worry wart freak who wants to know every little detail they can so they can be prepared.

So, I'm going to talk to my doc this afternoon about getting an amnio asap. I found out they'll do a level II ultrasound (one that's very in-depth and can show markers for down's). Just talked to my doc and they're trying to work me in tomorrow for amnio/ultrasound, since he doesn't want me to worry about it for too long. I'm SO SCARED of needles, but, as my sister said, "at least this way you'll know and let's face it... you're already gonna be tearin' out your vagina and ass for this kid, so a needle is NOTHIN!"

Wish me luck! I'm sure it'll all be good, but man... I am SO NERVOUS for now :(

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