Thursday, July 10, 2008

the name game

One of the questions that inevitably comes up all the time when you're pregnant is... "Do you know what you're going to name the baby?" It's done in kindness and is all out of the community desire to bring babies into the world in a loved and supportive environment, but it can be hard at times.

Tim and I had, originally, "known" what we would name a girl baby if we had one. For a few years now, we were really sold on one name that we both liked. Then, I found myself not being too hot on it for several reasons, one of which being that I worked with someone who had the name as her last name and it just seemed weird. Also, I have such a deep-rooted desire to be unique (for better or for worse) that I just felt like I wanted something new.

So we came up with a short list of names and started sharing them with friends and family. NOT so good idea. Mostly because, while friends can be supportive and awesome, family generally has a bit more invested and can lean towards the pushier side of things. For instance, having my mom outright say, "oh I HATE the name Olivia. I don't like it at all," was honest, but fairly inappropriate. I quipped back, with similar sass, "Watch it, woman. You're only selling me on that one more and more." I love my mom to death and know that she's just being her honest, blunt self. But lord, it's our kid!

So, in the end, we've decided to make a list of names and figure out what we're calling the gal after we've seen her. We're also making it clear to family that we're not really interested in any more negative feedback on names. If you ask to hear them, then be supportive of what we tell you or you're out of the name loop from here on out. Because it's our kid and she's gonna be named whatever we feel like anyways. We have no problem with people picking one or two from our list and saying, "I really like that one!" However, dissing one of our names is a no-go.

For fun, I'm going to use this post as a compiling place for possible names for the larva. Partly because I don't want to forget one and also as an archive for her later on... it's always neat to see the things you could have been named! Feel free to comment on ones you like.

So, without further ado..




Anonymous said...

I had a dream that her name was Delaney, so that's my vote!

the ineffable b said...

hahaha cool. That's Tim's favorite!

Felinegroovy said...

I personally love the name Olivia (may have to do with having known a darling of an Olivia once upon a time back when I was a career babysitter)

and Delaney is great and not a main stream name.

Toya said...

I love Maya and Delaney. And screw what anyone else thinks about your name choices. Believe me, when folks found out I was naming my kid Sarai, there was quite the backlash. My grandmother actually asked me why I made that name up and didn't name her something traditional like Mary (her name). I was all, "Um. Sarai is in the Bible. Not sure you can get much more traditional than that. And Sarai came before Mary." That shut her up.