Monday, April 27, 2009

A half year of Story

Miss Story turned 6 months old last week and my head is still trying to wrap itself around that fact. I'm having diametrically opposed feelings about it. On one hand, I can't believe that my baby is a half year old and will be a whole year old before I know it. On the other hand, it's like she's always been here. I can't imagine a life without her.

In honor of this milestone, here's my top ten favorite Story things that have happened since she was born:

10. When she first was discovering her sense of touch and would pet everything.

9. Sitting her down in the grass and watching her complete wonder at the outdoors.

8. The first time I saw her and I just kept kissing her funny face.

7. When I brought her home from daycare to discover she had magically learned how to hold her own bottle.

6. The amazed OMG WTF??!?! face she made when she first discovered the cats.

5. The fact that she is determined to walk and doesn't care if you think she can't, thankyouverymuch.

4. The crazy babbling she does to herself/her toys.

3. Sitting up unattended and playing.

2. Sleeping through the night.

1. Her laughing fits.


Flissy said...

OMG she was so precious at brunch, it slayed me. She's hilarious and the most fun tiny person I know!

the ineffable b said...

aww thanks Flissy! I'm glad you got a kick outta her. I sometimes feel so funny, being the odd-lady-out with a baby :) But she's like this zany, fun gal!