Thursday, February 28, 2008

reeving up my bidness?

I am a totally over-preparer when it comes to life. I want to cover all of my bases and make sure that every option is open to me. Though this can lead to a stressful life, I ultimately think it's not a bad thing to try to consider all of your options.

I have decided that one of my goals is to FINALLY finish perfecting my design website and starting to put myself out there for more freelance work. Mostly because I have no idea how much child care costs and, frankly, I'm a considering that it MAY be more economically sound for me to try to build up my business and, if it takes off enough, have the possibility of working from home once the larvae makes its appearance.

Now, that said, I love my job. Really. But I've never been a mom and, if you haven't already noticed, I'm a bit nervous about balancing everything out. So, part of me figures it can't hurt to build up my business in the next 6 months or so just to see where it goes. Then, if for some nice act of fate it's taking off, then I have my answer. If not, I have a bit extra money in the kip for baby stuff.

The odd thing is that as I was contemplating this idea on my ride home, I heard a beep on my cell phone. I had accidentally left it in the car all day yesterday and the tell-tale beep was letting me know I had a message. Turns out it's one of my client's daughters on the phone. She wants me to design her logo/identity materials for her new company. I took that as an odd sign that it's at least time for me to TRY to make this thing happen.

SO, dear friends... if you have anyone looking for design skills, let me know! My first plan is to finally finish three websites I've been commissioned to do a LONG while back for fellow dancers, working on the new logo job, looking into a co-worker's design needs for their business and, in the meantime, getting my google ADwords on.

Let's see if this thing works...


Abigail K. said...

You can do it! I refer people to you whenever I can. :)

Toya said...

Well, of course, you know I'm counting on you for my dance site, but I think I have another site I'd love you to design, too, so we'll talk!