It's been forever since I've updated. I guess that's what happens when you're busy living life.
Story is almost one now. I really seriously don't even know how to go about digesting that. ALMOST A YEAR OLD. Seriously??!! Where did the time go? How did this happen? I just sent out a bunch of invitations for her birthday and couldn't believe that I was actually sending them.
On that note, Story has gone through some major growth lately. She has been a learning fiend! So far, she can:
crawl like a pro
babble (and say a few words, like Mama, Dada, NO, Stop, Oh Wait, Nana)
pull herself up
stand for 2-3 seconds at a time
navigate from one piece of furniture to another
feed herself (not with a spoon yet)
play practical jokes (aka... licking your face, toe, anything to get a reaction)
And she's one ravenous, solid food eating machine. She's SO DONE with cereals and blended foods. She's currently a fan of:
pork anything (carnitas, ribs w/bbq, bacon)
chicken (she LOVES chicken of all sorts)
steamed veggies
guacamole (kicked up, with tabasco)
pretty much you name it, she'll eat it. And if you're eating it, she'll crawl over to you, climb up you and let you know that she would like some too, thankyouverymuch.
It's really exciting and wonderful. It's also kind of frightening to realize that if one year could go by so quickly, the rest of her childhood could be gone in a blink.